November 29, 2005

School Politics

I've always known that the governmental systems we have in place has some major flaws and unless you are a childless-self sufficient hermit living where no one can touch you, there's no way to avoid politics. It's in our schools, our roads, even our stores and workplaces. The one I am gonna address today is school politics.

I have 3 boys, all ADD/ADHD, all with the same initials (what was I thinking *shakes her head*). Big J is 15, middle J is 11 and little J is 9. I moved to NC 3 years ago from SC... to save my boys, to get them away from the damage their fathers were doing to them and to get them a better education (there are more reasons why I moved here but we won't go into that right now). SC, at the time, was ranked the lowest in education in the USA..NC was ranked 3rd highest. The reason, I recently found out, is NC's "No Child Left Behind" act.

When we moved here, big J was suppose to repeat but they went ahead and promoted him. Middle J was supposed to be in "Gate" which is a curriculum geared towards bright gifted children. The closest thing they have here is "AL" classes, only in math and reading. Now little J is "special". Although a whiz at math, all other subjects he has problems with, he doesn't learn the way most children do, he doesn't learn through books. Instead, he learns through visuals and hands on learning, which I am still fighting to get what he needs. The second year, my oldest and youngest both failed...and again they were promoted, while middle J aces school, despite the obvious negative feelings towards me because of who/what I am - bi, pagan and don't hide it (I've been negatively approached a few times).

Last year, middle J missed the last 2 months of school because my beautifully bright child decided that he was gonna stick a knife, that big J left outside, in a tree outa anger. Unfortunately the knife was wet so he sliced 3 of his fingers, 8 tendons & muscles. Needless to say he had to have surgery. Well I went to the principle and told her what happened and she said she would get his work together and send it via little J on a daily basis. I got nothing, not even a phone call or him a get well card. The day he returns back to school it was time to take the EOG's (end of grade tests), which he made a perfect score but his teacher calls social services on me for him missing school. Luckily, I had paperwork backing me up, social services said I did what I was suppose to do and dropped the case (pissed his teacher off). In the meantime, the other 2 boys failed yet again...and again, they promoted them.

Now, I have someone else on my butt about middle J. I got a call from her this afternoon saying they are gonna take me to court because he has missed so many days...which he has...cause he was sick. Unlike his brothers, he doesn't fake being sick to get outa school. He doesn't even get sick like most kids. He could be fine one minute, get a headache and his temp will shoot up to 102 the next minute. School & games is all he has, because of his intelligence, he can't relate to other kids and usually unnerves most adults, plus it doesn't help to have me as a mother in this area. He knows what schools he wants to go to and what he wants to do with his life, he wants to be an astronomer...has since he could talk. Now here's the kicker..even though he has missed a few days...he got A/B honor roll. In the meantime, big J is lucky if he has spent a whole week in school...and yet, nothing.

Now these political puppets need to either help me where/with whom I need it or...get the hell outa our lives and stay out.