January 31, 2006

Welcome & Why the move

First, I would like to welcome you to my new realm. I hope you will enjoy all that I will be offering in the near future as well as what lies within. When you click on my profile, at the bottom you will find more places to explore. 2 realms are open outa 7...so stay tuned *swg*

Now as to why...those who have come from 360 to here, remember the post "Practice what you preach?" Well, Joni sent me a couple more emails afterwards, finally I had to put her on ignore. Guess she didn't like that so she reported me to yahoo. Tonight I got this pretty little form letter from yahell saying I was in TOS violation. I was like "What?!" So I went to my 360 and bam, there it was...that post was deleted. At first I was severely pissed but not to the point where I would do something stupid as to send her a nasty email (though she soooooo deserves it), I got smart and decided to do my posting here... making 360, just another portal to here. Which was what I going to do anyway...she just made it happen sooner.

But the situation still bugs me a bit. Supposedly we live in a country where we have freedom of speech...freedom of religion, but here lately my freedom of either has been stomped to hell and back. I do not see where I did wrong by the post I made... the only thing I did was post what she did and how I felt about it. I didn't call her any names or make any derogatory remarks about or to her.

Oh well, as long as she is happy with herself...more power to her. I have better things to do than to deal with the likes of her or those like her.

Anyhow, I hope that the friends I made in 360 will still stick with me here and I look forward to making new friends as well.

Till we meet again my friends @};-
Blessed Be,
~Akira Cheyenne Feathermoon~

January 23, 2006

God, save me from your followers!!! (to Joni aka:Von)

Whether the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is the irrefutable Word of God may be debatable. But there's no question about the information, Divine or not, having been filtered through the mind's of men. And even if the Ten Commandments were carved in stone, the rest of the Bible was written on paper by very mortal men — Moses and a handful of other self-proclaimed patriarchs.

Could something have been lost or misunderstood in the Divine Transmission or subsequent translations — something filtered out by some human predisposition? Does the Word of God as revealed in the both the Old and New Testaments never need amendment or revision? Does it not unfold with the evolution of humanity? Does God have nothing new for us to understand as we grow more worthy?

Gay Marriage —

The Presidential Prayer Team (Bush '04) is currently urging us to: "Pray for the President as he seeks wisdom on how to legally codify the definition of marriage. Pray that it will be according to Biblical principles. With many forces insisting on variant definitions of marriage, pray that God's Word and His standards will be honored by our government."

Any good religious person believes prayer should be balanced by action So here, in support of the Prayer Team's admirable goals, is a proposed Constitutional Amendment codifying marriage entirely on Biblical principles:

A. Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5.)

B. Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron 11:21)

C. A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deut 22:13-21)

D. Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden. (Gen24:3; Num 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Neh 10:30)

E. Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deut 22:19; Mark 10:9)

F. If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Gen. 38:6-10; Deut 25:5-10)

Civil Rights —

On numerous occasions, syndicated radio talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger, an Orthodox Jew, has defended her blatant bigotry against gay people by quoting Leviticus 18:22 which says homosexuality is an abomination and cannot be condoned in any circumstance. Dr. Laura is quizzed about the relevance of this ancient document in the following open letter first posted on the Internet in 1999. .

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your radio show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can.
When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific Bible laws and how to follow them.

a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev. 1 :9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

b) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

c) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21 :7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? She's 18 and starting University. Will the slave buyer continue to pay for her education by law ?

d) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanness (Lev. 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should this be a neighborhood improvement project ?

f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Lev. 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

g) Lev. 21 :20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? Would contact lenses help?

h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev.19:27. How should they die?

i) I know from Lev.11 :6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend).

k) He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev. 24:1016) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with the people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14).

I know that you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted disciple and adoring fan.

-- Anonymous

There is a reason I posted this...which will be coming in the next Blog post.

Stay Tuned *swg*

{01-31-06} yahoo deleted the post that followed this one... nice to see our freedoms we proclaim we have at work.

January 12, 2006

The Fight Continues

For those of you who have been keeping up with me about my boys, well, the fighting continues. My boys and I have a very close and strong relationship, I know them better than they know themselves sometimes. They know me as well, what I am, what I believe in... everything. They know that I support them in exploring their own paths...as long as it does not bring harm to them or others (or against the law).

Anyhow, where to start in this post. Well first let me say that since my last awakening, in 2000, I gained a gift of sorts...insight into events to come in the next year...usually happens between my birthday and new years (in addition to my dream visions). Sometimes they show me in a metaphorical way and other times...very graphic and detailed(911). There are times when it's been hard for me to cypher which it is and other times, it has been on both levels. This year...it's on both levels. I don't completely understand everything I have seen but...I do understand the "feelings" behind them. We will experience a death of a close one, either on a physical level, in a relationship sense, ideals or things within ourselves...and some...all of what I just described. But...and there is a BIG but to this...with the deaths, brings life...a birth of something new. Not sure in what sense, only that I felt euphoric afterwards, even after such sadness and turmoil. In a sense, it's like shedding our old skin and growing into something new, growing pains (best analogy I can come up with at the moment).

Well New Years eve I spent it with my girlfriend. We were talking up a storm and doing a reading when around midnight I felt it coming on. I'm a strong empathic...physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Anyhow I felt another go into an epileptic seizure, someone I had been connected to since my last awakening. Anyhow, with her help I gained the strength and power and sling shotted the energy back to the source. It felt like my head opened up and something shot out like a volcano, like popping a really bad zit (yea gross, I know, but accurate description). I thought it was over...but then something else happened to me. I laid quiet for a few minutes then all of a sudden I started shaking really bad...couldn't stop it, my throat seized up, couldn't swallow, could barely breathe or talk...scared the living crap outta me...lol, and her. I'm still unsure what happened but one hypothesis is: I went through a year of major chaotic energy thrown at me from every direction and then some...none which could take me down but did cause a bit of a nuisance. I think I stored up all that energy from the year (unconsciously) and it finally ruptured. That "link" was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back so to speak and when I pushed it back, I got back-lashed. But thanks to her I got control over it and it eventually subsided.

The day after, I go back home. Later that evening I felt like a trucker's convoy ran me over...I got hit with sinuses, then my monthly wheel of pain (a very hard thing to explain) which consisted this month, of me not being able to walk, sit or even lay down for a couple of days... then 7 days ago, the flu (still recovering).

Now, this last week has been real hard for me to control my anger, but not without good reason. Tuesday I picked up Jaryn, my middle son, up from school and he proceeds to tell me that this boy had him jacked up against the wall by the throat. Yesterday, I picked him up from school and right as we walk out the door he tells me this same kid threatened him with a knife...so I got instantly pissed. I wheeled around and took him with me, walked right into the principle's office and told him what happened. In the meantime there's a message for me at home saying that the school counselor is gonna take ME to court over his attendance.

Now here's the kicker...last week he missed school a coupe of days cause he had the flu, brought it back from SC. I did what the court officer told me to do and wrote a note when he returned. A couple of days later the court officer calls me and says that the counselor is wanting to go to court, but that she would stand by ME cause I did exactly what she told me to do. When I tried talking to the principle about all of this he said he didn't have time to deal it. So...when Jaryn got threatened at school...i MADE SURE he had time for me then. Well last night they said they didn't find anything, that it was a pencil and all kinds of other excuses.

So I made up my mind and decided I'm gonna home school him for the rest of the year till I get him in the school he and I wanted in the first place. I do my home work, fill out all the paperwork and mailed it overnight. I went to pick him up today and asked the office what would I need to do to get him removed from the school so I could home school him. The lady gives me a paper and tells me to go to all his classes , have the teachers sign off it and turn in his books...even after I explained to her that I didn't have the card. So we did that. When I came back in the office she proceeds to tell me that all I had to do was bring in the paper stating he was being homeschooled BUT...all the days in between then and now would go against him!
Now I already had this bulldog of a woman on my tail because of his attendance and now this?!...So when I get home I call the court officer, who in turn calls the counselor. The counselor calls me (finally even though she wouldn't return any of my own messages) and I proceed to tell her what happened. She tells me that the officer wants to take me to court while they are saying she wants to...I tell her he is gonna be homeschooled...you know what she had the gall to say to me?! "You know, SOMEONE in the house has to have a GED" as if we are some kinda dumb inbred rednecks with no education...ooh, if I coulda got my hands through that phone it woulda been ON buddy. But instead I replied sarcastically, "Yea, duh, I know...I graduated 3rd highest in the state when I got mine" (of course considering what state, I wouldn't exactly brag about it)...and that was 3 years after I dropped outta 10th grade because the education level wasn't high enough for me...I was bored outta my mind. Anyway, guess she liked the way I said that cause she said to return him to school until I get the note and she would forget the whole court thing.

Now for fight 2 (lol, yea, there's more)...the city sanitation. For the past months I have had this one particular lead guy on the truck come to my door about some of the most stupid reasons I have ever heard. The last one though...they wouldn't pick up my trash...because I didn't have it over the curb (I had it 1ft behind the curb - as did many others). Now the way my yard is...I can't pull the darn thing over the curb (too much physical damage done to me - though it doesn't exactly show). You know why he had been giving me such a hard time?...cause I am pagan and when contacted the city, well...lets just say he picks up my trash now *grins*

Anyhow...please excuse the typos...will fix them later...just had to get this out before I hit the sack...finally a moment to do this posting. Oh, and I have got some real cool things kicking here soon for you all...I should have it ready by the end of the month and hope you all will like. (note to self...need to clean my keyboard too...darn keys aren't working right)