June 13, 2007

Response to: "Somebody's Watching You"

I am probably going to catch hell for what I'm about to say but...oh well, why not! Every now & then I come across a news article where people can post their opinions about it. Well today I stumbled across one and the comments from one particular person just struck me wrong...as well as the video itself. So I thought I would post MY views here, away from possible censorship (it's happened to me a few times at certain websites).

One poster had some quite negative viewpoints of Sherman Austin, founder of Cop Watch LA, an activist group. Ironically, who was convicted several years ago of distributing information about explosives by linking to a page that included text copied from Abbie Hoffman's anarchist manifesto, "Steal This Book".

"This kid is an anarchist. He should be followed 24/7.
The kind of information he was putting out is very dangerous."

He's a what?! Just because he posted a link? Well hell, I know people who post adult links...does that make them pornographers? Personally, I think they went after the wrong person... if they had to go after anyone at all, they should have went after the original poster of the content. I know someone who writes a conspiracy blog. Not long ago someone linked to his blog, then wrote about white supremacy below it... both which could be considered "disrupting society". But the poster of the first blog does not agree with the one who linked to him...who do you go after? NEITHER! You CAN'T... because of our so called freedom of speech. Yea I said "so called" because even to this very day people all over USA are STILL being censored.

"There are to many idiots out there who would love nothing more than to make a name for themselves by disrupting society."

On THAT note, there is a LOT of information out there that can be construed as dangerous or "disrupts society"... not just on the internet but in books, music lyrics and even movies. So do we police and censor everything... everyone?

"They are arresting gang members people! that is the only side there is. These are criminals that kill innocent people all the time... If a gang member does no cooperate, they should slug him a few. Maybe they will think twice next time and you know there will be a next time, most of them are repeat offenders."

NO... that is NOT the only side there is. Granted, we don't know what happened that lead up to the arrest but there are other ways to subdue the one being arrested such as pepper spray or tazers. Hell, the cops here didn't have a problem with tazering an 8 year old little girl in school. As I was taught, 2 wrongs don't make a right! They could have handled the situation differently without punching the guy in the face a few times.

There were a couple who posted who put my thoughts into words so eloquently...

"I understand that the LAPD feels that Cop Watch only reports one side of the story, However; it's a side that is rarely if ever reported in main stream media. Direct Action is sometimes necessary to bring attention to an issue. ~Dee~"

"This just shows how we as a people need to come together and fight back in a positive way as he is doing. No one deserves such an error against them as a human being. The police department yes are there to protect us from criminals but who is there to protect us from them when it is them who become the criminals in the pursuit of their so called justice. ~Everett & Irene~"

This other poster considers those of us who do not think as him as naive. In reality, it is he who is naive. We as a society need to quit putting doctors, judges, police and the government in general, on high pedestals and revering them as gods or infallible beings. They are human, just like us... fallible, flawed, easily tempted and corrupted as the rest of us. I know someone that until I came along, believed in truth and justice. I came into the picture and he seen a very darker side to what he held true to his heart. He seen the city officials do so much wrong and get away with it; watched my children & I pay the price for it... all because I am different than mainstream society, I dare to speak out, I dare to be myself instead of cloned copies of mindless robots who need to be told what to believe, what to think... half wearing blinders so that can't truly see what's around them and the other half walking around looking at everything through rose tinted glasses. Bottom line is... justice should be equal to EVERYONE, regardless of what title they hold or how much money they have but the truth is... it's NOT! Without those of us who speak out and fight for what's right, those with money, power and/or title would never answer for thier own wrong doings.