December 18, 2005

Christmas spirit my @$$!!!!!

I have been taking all day yesterday and part of today off-line because I have never been so disheartened in all my life...and believe, I have been through more crap in my short time of life so far than most have thier whole lifetimes. But what happened to me yesterday beats all. First let me say I am not a rich woman (financially)...not even comfortable, in fact, I have to use food stamps and medicaid...not something I am proud of but something that is necessary for me and my children. I don't like the fact that I get looked down upon for having it. one time i even had a social worker tell me I needed a man to take care of me... I blew up big time at her, won't repeat what I said. Anyhow, I received in the mail a toys voucher where you can go pick up toys for your kids for Christmas if you do not have any for them. It was located at a church and had to be there at 8am. Well i got up early and went there. I overshot the turn to go into the parking lot, so I drove past the church to make a u-turn. The car I was driving was my 88 Jag. My tags says "Bi-Witch" on it...when I drove by I got called heathen and a few other names. That hurt like hell. Made my u-turn and they were still yelling names at me and a fight broke out...I left. I only have enough money to get 1 present each for my boys. My oldest and youngest won't have any problems getting presents as they have thier fathers and thier father's family but my middle son only has me. He has never met his father. But at least the 1 present will be outta love and not outta hate & prejudice. I feel so bad for my winter solstice child. He is so bright & asks for so little, yet I can't give him the 2 things he wishes for...Nintendo ds and animal crossing (the wild life) game. You know, going there, I thought we all had something in common...we want to get things for our children for Christmas and don't have the means...guess I was wrong about the so-called Christmas Spirit.

To top things off, I got a call Friday saying I have to go to court Tuesday because of his absences and he got suspended for defending himself by pushing a girl off of him who was trying to beat the crap outta him. I have always taught my boys to walk away from a fight if you can but defend yourself if you have no other choice. I have dealt with city and county official all year long...and won. A couple more isn't gonna bother me none...I will take all my boys with me and let the school system have it. I am without a doubt the last witch anyone wants to mess with.

I am sooooo tired of people ignorance and narrow mindedness. My kids can't even play with other kids because of what I am...their parents think I am the devil's servant. Yea....right! i am gonna worship some mutated narcissistic goat. I am so proud of my babies though. Despite the crap others dish out to them, they still hold on to thier non-prejudicial views.

December 11, 2005

Well Phooey!

My usual Sunday routine is to post to my BoS Library group, post info on blog, clean house, do laundry and get things ready for everyone for the up coming week. Not today. This morning I woke up with a swollen gland (hard to swallow), high fever and shakes. No, it's not the flu. A while back, 2 of my teeth cracked, 1 on each side of my mouth, 1 vertical, the other horizontal. Needless to say, it's not been easy for me to eat (and i doooo love to eat too). I think one of my teeth is trying to go abscess on me. Not good cause I do not have money for a doc...only medicaid. And I need to find one that will gas me (even for cleanings) and won't remove my teeth. There's sooo much more to this story but right now, I'm too hot and can't seem to get my thoughts together right. Anyway, I will try to post later this eve after i lay down a bit.

Hey Doc Angelia...sweety, if I was in your area I would be a medical mystery to you. I'm allergic to most man made medicines...especially antibiotics. I haven't found an antibiotic I can take yet with out it damn near killing me. So to treat someone like me would be a major medical mystery.

Humor: My Sister's Christmas Rum Cake

My Sister's Christmas Rum Cake

Every year around this time, my sister makes an attempt to create what she says is her masterpiece of culinary delight (in fact, she usually makes two or three attempts) but alas, I have yet to sample even a tiny morsel of it. Here is the recipe she uses:

1 or 2 quarts rum
baking powder
1 c. butter
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. sugar
lemon juice
2 large eggs
brown sugar
1 c. dried fruit

Before you start, sample the rum to check for quality. Good, isn't it? Now go ahead. Select a large mixing bowl, measuring cup, etc.

Check the rum again. It must be just right. To be sure rum is of the highest quality, pour one level cup of rum into a glass and drink it as fast as you can. Repeat. With an electric mixer, beat 1 cup butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 seaspoon of thugar and beat again.

Meanwhile, make sure that the rum is of the finest quality-- try another cup. Open second quart, if necessary. Add 2 arge leggs, 2 ups fried druit and beat till high. If druit gets stuck in beaters, just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the rum again, checking for tonscisticity. Next sift 3 pups of pepper or salt (it really doesn't matter which). Sample the rum again. Sift 1/2 pint lemon juice. Fold in chopped butter and strained nuts. Add one babblespoon of brown thugar, or whatever color you can find. Wix mell. Grease oven and turn cake pan to 350 gredees. Now pour whole mess into the coven and ake. Check the rum again, and bo to bed.

Now you know why.....


I met a new friend on 360. After reading and posting to her blog, she & her friends made me feel right at home. One of the things I remember the most about growing up was my grandfather's sense of humor. He would pick on me, tell a joke...something, everyday. One day he barely said anything to me. All day long I kept waiting for something from him, but nothing. So finally before bed, I asked him..."Are you mad at me, Did I do something wrong?...he looked at me expressionless and said "No, why do you ask?". I said "Because you didn't pick on me today." He smiled and said "Ahh, but I did". I looked puzzled, then I got it and started laughing (by ignoring me he was picking on me).

He always told me that laughter was the best medicine for whatever ailed you and you have to laugh at yourself before the world will laugh with you. Words I have never forgotten.

I hope that this piece of humor will bring a smile to your face...enjoy.

November 29, 2005

School Politics

I've always known that the governmental systems we have in place has some major flaws and unless you are a childless-self sufficient hermit living where no one can touch you, there's no way to avoid politics. It's in our schools, our roads, even our stores and workplaces. The one I am gonna address today is school politics.

I have 3 boys, all ADD/ADHD, all with the same initials (what was I thinking *shakes her head*). Big J is 15, middle J is 11 and little J is 9. I moved to NC 3 years ago from SC... to save my boys, to get them away from the damage their fathers were doing to them and to get them a better education (there are more reasons why I moved here but we won't go into that right now). SC, at the time, was ranked the lowest in education in the USA..NC was ranked 3rd highest. The reason, I recently found out, is NC's "No Child Left Behind" act.

When we moved here, big J was suppose to repeat but they went ahead and promoted him. Middle J was supposed to be in "Gate" which is a curriculum geared towards bright gifted children. The closest thing they have here is "AL" classes, only in math and reading. Now little J is "special". Although a whiz at math, all other subjects he has problems with, he doesn't learn the way most children do, he doesn't learn through books. Instead, he learns through visuals and hands on learning, which I am still fighting to get what he needs. The second year, my oldest and youngest both failed...and again they were promoted, while middle J aces school, despite the obvious negative feelings towards me because of who/what I am - bi, pagan and don't hide it (I've been negatively approached a few times).

Last year, middle J missed the last 2 months of school because my beautifully bright child decided that he was gonna stick a knife, that big J left outside, in a tree outa anger. Unfortunately the knife was wet so he sliced 3 of his fingers, 8 tendons & muscles. Needless to say he had to have surgery. Well I went to the principle and told her what happened and she said she would get his work together and send it via little J on a daily basis. I got nothing, not even a phone call or him a get well card. The day he returns back to school it was time to take the EOG's (end of grade tests), which he made a perfect score but his teacher calls social services on me for him missing school. Luckily, I had paperwork backing me up, social services said I did what I was suppose to do and dropped the case (pissed his teacher off). In the meantime, the other 2 boys failed yet again...and again, they promoted them.

Now, I have someone else on my butt about middle J. I got a call from her this afternoon saying they are gonna take me to court because he has missed so many days...which he has...cause he was sick. Unlike his brothers, he doesn't fake being sick to get outa school. He doesn't even get sick like most kids. He could be fine one minute, get a headache and his temp will shoot up to 102 the next minute. School & games is all he has, because of his intelligence, he can't relate to other kids and usually unnerves most adults, plus it doesn't help to have me as a mother in this area. He knows what schools he wants to go to and what he wants to do with his life, he wants to be an astronomer...has since he could talk. Now here's the kicker..even though he has missed a few days...he got A/B honor roll. In the meantime, big J is lucky if he has spent a whole week in school...and yet, nothing.

Now these political puppets need to either help me where/with whom I need it or...get the hell outa our lives and stay out.